Leadership Lessons from the Tenacious Creativity of Taylor Swift

In the line of work that I am in, I’ve always been fascinated by the stories of successful individuals who have carved their own paths to the top. One such individual is the billionaire businesswoman and global pop sensation, Taylor Swift. While I may have been late to the party in terms of her music, watching the media coverage of her recent sold-out shows in Ireland and the Netflix documentary “Miss Americana” has opened my eyes to the incredible lessons we can learn from her journey. This week I share a few insights that occurred to me as to how us mere mortals can learn from the musical giant that is, Taylor Swift.


Strong Foundations, Values, and Characteristics

At the core of Taylor Swift’s remarkable success is a strong foundation of personal values and characteristics that have guided her throughout her career. From her unwavering commitment to authenticity and creative expression to her empathy and generosity, these qualities have not only shaped her as an artist but also as a leader in her industry.


Swift’s values are deeply rooted in her upbringing and personal experiences, which have instilled in her a sense of purpose and a desire to use her platform to make a positive impact. This is evident in her philanthropic efforts, where she has supported a wide range of causes, from cancer research to disaster relief, often driven by personal connections and a genuine desire to help.

Taylor Swift performing in the Aviva Dublin

Taking Leadership Lessons from the Creativity of Taylor Swift. Image: RTE

The Power of a Supportive Team

Surrounding Taylor Swift is a team of dedicated professionals who have played a crucial role in enhancing her creative experience and protecting her vision. From her management team to her collaborators and creative partners, this network of support has enabled Swift to fully immerse herself in her craft, while also shielding her from the potential pitfalls of the industry.

Much like an organisation’s vision, mission, and values, the team that supports Swift has helped to shape her trajectory and amplify her impact. By providing a safe and nurturing environment, they have allowed her to take risks, experiment, and ultimately, reach new heights of success.


Staying True to Inspirational Vision

One of the most striking aspects of Taylor Swift’s success is her unwavering commitment to her creative vision. Despite facing negativity and criticism in the world of pop music, she has consistently stayed true to her style of songwriting, penning her own lyrics about the experiences and emotions that inspire her. This tenacity has paid off, as she has produced bigger and better records, cementing her status as a creative force to be reckoned with. When we witness the creative process in action, as we did in the Netflix documentary, it can be truly awe-inspiring. We see how even the smallest of ideas – a riff, a lyric, a melody – is nurtured and transformed into a massive, globally recognised anthem.

Far too often, we fall into the trap of believing that creativity is a rare gift bestowed upon only a privileged few. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Creativity is not some mystical, elusive quality, but rather the highest functioning of our brain – the ability to make new connections, generate novel ideas, and envision alternative possibilities.

We’ve all experienced the palpable feeling of a creative thought – that sudden spark of inspiration that seems to come out of nowhere, the “aha!” moment that leads to a breakthrough solution. This is the essence of creativity, and it is a capacity we all possess, regardless of our profession or background.


Developing Creative Processes

In a leadership role of any kind, we can learn from this example by taking the time to develop our own creative processes. Leaders must also realise have the power to either stifle or nurture this innate creative potential in themselves and those around them. The question then becomes: where can you help and hinder your own creativity, as well as that of your team, in work, in life, and in leadership?

The answer lies in being mindful of the factors that can either block or enhance creativity. Factors like fear of failure, rigid hierarchies, and a lack of psychological safety can all act as barriers to creativity. Conversely, embracing uncertainty, encouraging diverse perspectives, and providing the necessary resources and support can all help to unleash the creative potential within. Whether it’s setting aside dedicated time for reflection and ideation, or experimenting with different tools and techniques, finding what works best for us can help us improve leadership skills by tapping into our own creative potential and lead by example with greater impact.


Tapping into Your Creativity

It is certain then, that Taylor Swift’s journey from a young country singer to a billionaire pop icon is a testament to the power of tenacity, creativity, and authenticity. By staying true to her vision, embracing collaboration and diversity, and developing her own unique creative process, she has achieved a level of success that few can match, but which many will be inspired by.  

If you’d like to discuss ways in which to encourage your team to tap into their own levels of creativity, please reach out to me directly at denise@obrienlearningsolutions.ie or book a clarity call.